(by Larry Hodges)
Here is a great way to understand how the mind should operate during a table tennis rally. If you play a musical instrument, you don’t consciously play a song; your subconscious does. Each note triggers the next note. In table tennis, whatever your opponent does triggers your next move. It’s the same thing, with the one exception that in music, there’s no indecision as you know in advance each note you will play. But it’s really the same thing – just as your subconscious directs your moves when playing a musical instrument, your subconscious should direct your reactive moves when playing table tennis.
What does this mean? It means that, just as with the music example, you have to let go and let the subconscious do its job. Your conscious job is to think simple tactics and keep your eyes on the ball and opponent, and let the subconscious do the rest. If you are even an advanced beginner, it’ll do a MUCH better job than your conscious mind can! Not sure about this? Try tying your shoes where you have to consciously guide each move. That’s you trying to consciously guide yourself in table tennis. Or, to use the music example, try playing an instrument where you have to consciously decide on each note before playing it. Good luck!
So, as I’ve advised many times, let your subconscious do its job, and guess what? YOU get the credit!
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