(by Steve Hopkins, photo USATT)
Singles have started in Paris, and TeamUSA’s three Paralympians will see their first action on Monday. Ian Seidenfeld plays England’s Martin Perry early Monday morning in Men’s Singles MS6. Jenson Van Emburgh will face France’s Noel Sylvain in Men’s Singles MS3. Tahl Leibovitz will face Ukraine’s Ivan Mai in their Round of 16 match in Men’s Singles MS9.
TeamUSA’s only Doubles Match in the initial phase of the tournament was a loss by Ian Seidenfeld and Tahl Leibovitz in Men’s Doubles MD 18. The US team fell last week in their match to China 0-3. TeamUSA now turns their attention on Singles action where Seidenfeld, Van Emburgh, and Leibovitz could all figure to be in medal contention.
Singles medal rounds are scheduled for next weekend, so tune in this week for updates throughout the events.
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