(by Steve Hopkins)
Fans of Kanak Jha have seen him wear a number of shirts. TeamUSA’s top ranked player often takes the court with a U.S. flag or “USA” emblazoned across the front. And as Butterfly’s top ranked male player in this hemisphere, most of his jerseys (including the TeamUSA uniforms) have the classic Butterfly wings as well (some also including the Dignics logo – Kanak’a rubber of choice). Kanak’s German team (TTF Ochsenhausen) has Liebherr as their major sponsor and TV Movie as another named sponsor (Liebherr is best known as a construction machine manufacturer but also are involved in everything from refrigerators to aerospace systems and TV Movie is a German on-demand video service).
When Kanak is not playing for his country or his German club, he plays in shirts that include a logo for PingPod and Triple Eight Table Tennis. That is, America’s best player has one sponsor that offers automated table tennis spaces in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and a second sponsor that is a table tennis center in the San Francisco Bay area. What could be more appropriate for America’s best player than a West Coast sponsor AND an East Coast Sponsor?
Information about PingPod can be found at pingpod.com
Information about Triple Eight Table Tennis can be found at 888ttc.com
Information about TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen can be found at ttfo.de
Information about Butterfly can be found at www.ButterflyOnline.com
Information about Kanak Jha and the Butterfly equipment he uses can be found here.
Visit ButterflyOnline.com for the latest table tennis news and results.