(by Larry Hodges)
Some say that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. But isn’t it just as insane to keep doing things differently and expect the same result?
Each of these have implications for table tennis.
First, if you aren’t improving at the rate you think you should, then perhaps you should consider changing how you train. Otherwise, you are doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Insane, right? But make sure you understand how improvement works. Improvement doesn’t necessarily mean you start winning more, not right away. It means parts of your game get better – and once those improvements are incorporated into your game, then you will see improvement in actually winning. But if you are working on a part of your game and it’s not improving, then consider how better to develop that part of your game.
Second, if you look back at the times you’ve played your best, you’ll likely find similarities in how you prepared before playing, both physically and mentally. Learn what they were, and keep repeating them. It may include what you eat, how you physically prepared and warmed up, and how you mentally prepared, such as finding ways to mentally clear your mind – some listen to music, for example, often the same song every time. Once you find a routine that prepares you to play your best, why would you prepare differently and expect the same result, i.e. playing your best? Insane, right? This is why so many top athletes are addicted to routine to the point of seeming superstitious. They aren’t really superstitious, but they’ve found out what routines prepare them to be at their best. Some of the things they do might not have any direct effect on their play, but the very act of doing it mentally prepares them – almost a Pavlovian response.
So . . . are you ready to reject insanity?
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