乒乓进行时 Chinese Language Interview – with English Subtitles.
The PongNow interview series discusses table tennis with some of the best players and personalities in the sport.
Coach and player Tao Wenzhang, 2014 US Open Singles Champion, 2015 Doubles Champion, is now a coach at Spartans Table Tennis club in the Bay Area. In his interview, he talked about how he overcame his first year of not having winning records and started playing better and better. He also shared the differences between being a coach and being a full-time player and the challenges in the development of table tennis programs in U.S compared to China.
He started Spartans Table Tennis this March but had to close 2 weeks later for more than 3 months because of COVID-19. He talked about how all his students and parents worked together as a team to help each other go through this difficult period. He expressed he is very proud of his hardworking students and emphasized that the coaches and students always form a good team, including older kids guiding the younger ones. It’s incredible to have such a positive atmosphere among the team. He also shared some suggestions to adult or amateur players.
At the end of the video, Tao shared his hobbies before and after COVID-19 and showed us his best buddy, a beautiful golden retriever dog called “Mantou” (white bread).
集教练员与运动员为一身的陶文章,2014 美国公开赛单打冠军,2015年的双打冠军, 现在执教于湾区的Spartans 乒乓球俱乐部。采访中,他讲了自己在第一年来美后输球的情况下逆袭,还分享了做教练和运动员的区别,以及与中国相比,美国乒乓球发展的挑战。
他的Spartans 乒乓球俱乐部今年三月开张,但两星期后因为疫情而关门三个多月。他谈了这段时间学生和家长们是如何携手共同帮助球馆度过难关。他说他很为自己的刻苦训练的学生们骄傲,强调教练和队员都始终会形成一个团队,包括一些大一点的队员会传帮带一些年纪小一些的队员。这个球队积极的氛围是非常难得的。他还分享了对成人或业余选手的一些建议。
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