(by Steve Hopkins)
Here are some tips from fan favorite Timo Boll on how to attach rubber sheets to your blade.
In regard to glue usage, he applies glue to the middle of the rubber sheet and then applies it in two directions spreading it evenly. He then does the same thing to the blade and rolls the rubber onto the blade before cutting it with scissors. *Timo also weighs his rubber sheets as there can be very slight variations in weight even among the same brand – and some extra analysis enables him to match sheets to keep the weight the same for each of his blades. This is common with pro players who keep several blades – and less important for those of us who keep one or two blades only, but the concept of carefully inspecting your equipment so you fully understand it is a good tip for pros and recreational players alike.
The blades he is preparing in this video are the TIMO BOLL ALC ST and the rubber Timo Boll is current using is Dignics 09C. Both the blade and the rubber are currently available at ButterflyOnline.com.
“How I Glue” – Timo Boll Video
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