(by Steve Hopkins)
Tim Boggan is turning 90 this Friday. Longtime friend, Larry Hodges, has posted a request seeking as many table tennis players as possible to Say Happy Birthday to Tim Boggan by posting birthday wishes to this Facebook link: WISH TIM A HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY
As Larry noted in his blog today:
- Few, if any, have done more for USA Table Tennis as he has over the past 50+ years – president, editor, writer, historian, Ping-Pong Diplomacy ambassador, and father of two men’s singles national champions, Scott and Eric. (See his Hall of Fame profile. And browse the others – Tim wrote all 94 of them!) He is in good health, and spends much of his time caring for his wife, Sally, who had a stroke a year ago and is mostly paralyzed. Tim’s computer died a few weeks ago, and while his son Scott is looking into fixing it or getting another, for the moment Tim can’t respond to emails.
- This is your chance to wish Tim a Happy Birthday, and to wish him and Sally well. You can respond by posting on Facebook. (Tim isn’t on Facebook and can’t access it or this page anyway right now, but if you happen to talk to him, let’s keep this a secret until Friday.) Next Thursday morning (at 10AM eastern time) I will print them all out and express them to Tim for his 90th on Friday. Feel free to share on Facebook – I’ll print those out as well.
- You can also help by contributing to Tim and Sally’s GoFundMe page (set up by Sheri Cioroslan, former USATT president as Sheri Pittman). “On August 27 [2019], Sally Boggan had a debilitating stroke, which left her paralyzed on her left side. She is currently undergoing speech and physical therapy. Many people have known and loved Sally for decades. And we appreciate Tim’s contributions to our lives through his many table tennis ventures. Let’s joyfully support Tim and Sally during Sally’s recovery process.”
- Or you can buy one of his History of US Table Tennis Books!
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