DTTA’s 3rd MENSUAL Tourney
by Angelo Gandullia
Hello Table Tennis players and friends!
Last Saturday, April 9th, DTTA hosted our 3rd MENSUAL Tourney of 2016.
Denver Table Tennis Alliance congratulates in particular,
C Division
Winner, Jared Peterson
Runner up, Chris Oltyan
B Division
Winner, Carlos Pinzon
Runner up, Xiaopeng Fang
A Division
Winner, Ana Maria Garcia
Runner up, Dave Vollmar
The winners of B and C Divisions -each- received $40 dollars cash and a Butterfly Water Bottle
The winner of A Division received $50 dollars cash and a Butterfly Water Bottle.
All runners up received a $20 Dollar Gift Certificate from Butterfly.
We would like to thank all players who participated on our 3rd M Tourney, and we want to invite you all to join the 4th M Tourney on Saturday, May 14th!
At Denver Table Tennis Alliance, we also want to thank our sponsors:
Butterfly, the best Table Tennis brand in the world. All tournaments at DTTA are played on Butterfly Centrefold 25 ITTF Official tables, and we only use Butterfly 3-Star G40+ premium balls.
Ace.Eat.Serve, a great Asian fusion restaurant in Denver with Ping-Pong fun at the corner of Pennsylvania St and 17th Ave in Uptown Denver.
B&B Tradiciones, Travel and Accommodation, the best service for travel and accommodation when visiting Peru. Contact: bbtradiciones@hotmail.com
Note: This coming Thursday, April 14th, DTTA will open at 7:30pm and close at 11pm.
See you all soon!
Angelo Gandullia
Denver Table Tennis Alliance