Ask The Experts: David Zhuang, No. 214
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Timo Boll Forte / Tibhar Triple Carbon
Forehand: Tenergy 05 / Tenergy 05-FX
Backhand: Tenergy 64
Question: My name is Joshua from the central region of Ghana. I am a table tennis player and also train some cadet kids who are interested in table tennis.
I want to know the basic of coaching kids and also training a defender. The physicals for footwork and some tips.
Please if you have any video, you can email it to me.
Also, I will be glad if Butterfly can help me with some used equipment to help in training the kids.
My regards, Joshua
Answer: Hi Joshua,
For beginner kids, it is most helpful to set a target number for continuous forehand or backhand without missing to develop their consistency, For defenders, jumping rope and interval running (i,e, mixing speed between sprinting and mid-long distance) is good physical training.