(by: Bowmar Sports Team)
February 10-11-12, 2023
47998 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
Early Bird Entry by January 14, 2023: Save $5/event
We will follow local and state guidelines for COVID policy.
Tournament Director: Shashin Shodhan
Tournament Referee: Kenny Tien, Certified Referee
For Tournament Participants: Balls will be Butterfly R40+ white plastic balls. Floor will be red rubberized flooring. Clothing must be mainly non-white. 6 Butterfly tables will be used.
FORMAT: All singles events will have a round robin stage followed by a single elimination draw. The top seeded players may be seeded into the single elimination part of the draw in certain events.
AWARDS: Open Singles: 1st place-$250, 2nd place-$100. For all other events, there will be trophies for 1st and 2nd, medals for 3rd and 4th place.
START TIMES: Every player must report to the control desk 30 minutes prior to the start of their first event.
ENTRY FEES: Open Singles: $50 before January 14, After January 14, $55, All Other Events (early bird entry by January 14): $35/event, $10 registration fee | After January 14, $40/event, $10/registration fee.
EVENTS: Events may be canceled or combined if there are insufficient entries. Fees will be refunded if canceld. Events are limited to a certain number of entries by start time, first come, first served. Players may only enter one event per start time. For age events, age must be 18 years or under on February 12, 2023. Players must be 50 years or over 14 years or under on February 11, 2023
RATINGS: Ratings used for entry will be the rating from January 4, 2023 on usatt.org.
Unrated players can play all events and if they have a club rating or USATT league rating, they can use that to determine event eligibility and can advance in events.
If unrated players don’t have a league or club rating, they cannot advance in rating events unless they play the weekend league once before at Fremont TTA to obtain a league rating which will then be their initial estimate rating or obtain an estimate rating from a certified coach.
Unrated players can advance without any league rating in Open Singles and the junior events.
The tournament director reserves the right to not let an unrated player advance in rated events at his sole discretion.
DEADLINE: Entries must be postmarked by Friday, February 3, 2023 or entered online at www.omnipong.com by Monday, February 6, 2023.
*Late entries may be accepted with a $10 fee, space permitting. The late deadline for entries with payment received will9be Thursday, February 9, 2023.
REFUNDS: After February 3, 2023 there will be no refunds.
CONFIRMATION: Please go to www.omnipong.com for a list of confirmed entries.
ENTRY SUBMISSION: You can enter online at www.omnipong.com or send form with checks payable to Fremont Table Tennis Academy to: Shashin Shodhan, 47998 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
QUESTIONS: Contact Shashin Shodhan at 510-366-5234 or email him at shashin@fremonttabletennis.com