USATT League Software Ready to Launch
Courtesy of USATT

New Integrated System Joins League and Tournament Data in One Profile
USATT is very excited to announce the launch of our new Leagues system on Monday, September 26. This has been a major work in progress for many months and represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the USATT Leagues program that first came to being back in 2003. While the new system has a sleeker, modern user interface, perhaps the greatest value it offers is its integration with our membership portal. League members will now have the ability to manage their tournament history and league play in one user interface. Participants will also have the ability to search for active leagues and initiate requests to join them. In addition, the new system offers vastly improved tools for the league directors to make corrections to already processed match results and ensure that the ratings will be adjusted accordingly.
In order to make this transition happen, the current USATT League system will be taken offline Sunday, September 25 around 1:00 AM Eastern as we migrate all of the existing data. The new system will become available for use at Noon (ET) on Monday, September 26.
To begin accessing the new system on Monday, visit and log in the same way you would your USATT Simply Compete profile. If you need to “claim” your account, go here and enter your email. If you don’t have an email on file, please contact Jon Taylor ( and he can help set up your account.
Please recognize that this has been (and is) a major transition, and despite over three months of extensive user testing, we may encounter some minor unforeseen issues. With that said, we are fully committed to responding to and resolving any problems as quickly as possible. In this regard, Jon Taylor, Membership and Club Development Director, will be your primary contact, and we encourage you to reach out to him immediately via email ( if you encounter any problems or if you have any question.
We thank you for your patience over the last several months as we worked through the many problems encountered in the first league system launch. We are very excited about the future of the USATT Leagues and look forward to working with you to make it better than ever!