Universal, Popular and Inclusive, World Table Tennis Day
Courtesy of ITTF
Staged by various organizations around the world; to date 91 events in 48 countries across all six continents; over 1,000 people will participate in the second ever World Table Tennis Day on Wednesday April 6th.
Furthermore, judging by the response of one year ago; that number is set to rise.
Wide Ranging Activities
Activities range from table tennis being played for 24 hours in Ottobrun, Germany to an underwater tournament in Senigalli, Italy; many more innovative events are on the menu.
“The idea behind this day is to gather table tennis enthusiasts, attract people who usually don’t play table tennis, promote the love for our sport and ideally engage new players to the practice in the long term”, said Thomas Weikert, ITTF President. “I can’t wait for the entire world to play table tennis on Wednesday 6th April.”
Good Fun
World Table Tennis Day is enjoyment, it a celebration of table tennis; the focus is less on competition and more on participation and fun.
The reason for the date is that it is the date established by the United Nations and the International Olympic Committee as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace.
Anticipated Memorable Day
“We are very excited about the second World Table Tennis Day”, said Leandro Olvech, the ITTF Director-Development who masterminds the project.
“Events can be big or small”, he added. “The most important thing is to celebrate and share the passion for table tennis, having fun and bringing people together.”
Table tennis is universal, popular and inclusive; it is the game everybody can play, it is the game to play on Wednesday April 6th.
Further Information and Registration
For further information and to register an event visit: http://TT4ALL.com .