(By Matt Hetherington)
Team Building an Integral Part of 2017 Super Camp
Team building and becoming one unified national team has been a goal which USATT High Performance Director has been strongly focused on since taking up his position, so unsurprisingly it was one of the key themes of the 2017 USATT Super Camp which is currently being held at Triangle Table Tennis Center in North Carolina. Under it’s new flag of ‘Table Tennis Team USA’ the National Team is evolving into a more unified force.
“I will not say in table tennis it’s all about the ‘team’ because we are talking about a sport in which in a match two individual players compete against each other. Despite that, I understand the individual sport table tennis – as well any team sport (and without being a part of a group) you will not be able to make it to the top. Beside Singles matches we have Team, Doubles or Mixed matches, too, and in these events nobody is able to win alone just by himself. One of the main goals of our USATT Super Camp at the Triangle Table Tennis Club is to have our athletes understand that each of them is a part of the whole thing.
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