South Shore Sports & Butterfly TT Championships
The 15th South Shore/Butterfly Open is scheduled for December 29/30. Playing conditions are excellent and the venue is only 30 minutes SE from Chicago.
The event features $10,000. in prize money and the top juniors in the U.S.A. battling it out for the Si and Nate Wasserman grants. Sharon Alguetti has entered. He is the top Under 18 junior in the country. Sid and Nandan Naresh will also be competing.
Online entries are now being taken at
Entry form download here.
The Hampton Inn is one mile from the playing facility and has a $99. special rate for the tournament. The rate is only good through December 7.
Hope to see you there and help us break our record of 234 entries.
All the Best,
Danny Seemiller
South Bend Coach 574 261-4545