(by: Rachel Sung)
On my list of people to thank, parents undisputedly hold the top position.
My parents immigrated to the United States together hoping to raise a family in a place where dreams seemed more reachable, life held more possibilities. The hardships of first generation immigrants deserve a whole storybook; I can only say how truly lucky my sisters and I are to be on the receiving end. We build our lives off their sacrifice. So thank you to my parents, they are the true main characters in everything we ever accomplish.
The second thank you goes out to my home club, 888 Table Tennis Center and specifically my coach, Zhou Xin. Prior to the trials, I picked up a tight schedule. Monday to Thursday, time remained allotted to being a full time student at UCLA. Thursday night, the latest flight back home became my designated transportation in preparation for training on Friday. Limited time each week for training meant those three days had to be three times as effective, a quality of training that 888 gifted consistently. Thank you to all the players and staff who continue to make the 888 training programs genuinely unmatched.
My childhood coach, Zhou Xin brought a sense of security. Just knowing he sat in the coaching chair for each and every match instilled confidence. His unconditional support showed through all the tactical analysis and long pep talks. For his unwavering belief in me, I will forever be immensely grateful.
Last but definitely not least, my friends. The two months leading up to competition, every word, every friendly question about the upcoming trials caused dread. Pressure definitely got to me, as the slightest thought about possibly “failing” would send me into a spiral of rejection. I rejected the reality that time seemed to fly, we were approaching the start of the trials much quicker then I hoped. In such moments, my friends repeatedly reassured me, guiding me to gradually reach the state where I accepted losing, but fought to win. To my friends who supported me throughout, thank you.
A special thank you to Bowmar Sports for quality equipment and apparel. Another one to everyone in the Bay (serviceaide) and Los Angeles (specifically Kevin and Alex) who supported me continuously. Thank you.
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