New York Indoor Sport Club (NYISC) November 2018 Open
(2-star) USATT-sanctioned Table Tennis Tournament
Sunday, November 11th, 2018
ENTRY DEADLINE: November 7, 2018
VENUE: New York Indoor Sports Club (NYISC), 15-35 126th Street, 2nd Floor, College Point, NY 11356
718-358-8860 (Yu Shao)
EQUIPMENT: Only ITTF/USATTapproved equipment will be used. Tables: Butterfly Centerfold and Europa; Nets: Butterfly; Balls: white,
Butterfly 40+ poly balls; Floor: rubberized sports mat on wood floor
DEADLINE: All postal mail entries must be postmarked latest by November 7, 2018. Phone entries will be accepted, but player will not be
placed into draw until payment is received. Late phone entries will be accepted with a $5 late fee subject to space availability
FORMAT: Players will be assigned to a Round Robin (RR) group of 3-5 players. Top 1-2 players from each (RR) group will advance and compete in the play-off Singles Elimination (SE) stage. All matches are 3 out of 5 games