by Steve Hopkins
In 2021, Butterfly worked hard to provide entertainment and information through videos, articles, reviews, and interviews. Below is a list of 10 of our favorite Bowmar Sports videos of 2021.
Our most viewed video was a March edition of ASK THE EXPERTS featuring David Zhuang discussing the Timo Boll ALC blade and the Mizutani ZLC blade. See that video (and the rest of our TOP 10 FAVORITES list) below:
- Ask The Experts – Timo Boll ALC or Mizutani Jun ZLC. Which Blade Should I Choose?
- Butterfly Training Tips With Angel Naranjo – Push & Attack
- PongNow: The Alguetti Brothers
- PongNow: Interview with Bronze Medalist Jenson Van Emburgh
- Ask the Experts: How to Create More Spin
- Footwork & Shot Combination With Liu Juan
- PongNow: Dan Seemiller
- Amicus Robot Training With Aditya Sareen – Developing Footwork & Hand Speed
- PongNow: Gold Medal Paralympian Ian Seidenfeld
- Long Distance Forehand Counterlooping