This Training Tips video series originally appeared in 2018. The content remains pertinent today – and the tips may assist many of you looking to work on fitness or improve your game. While the video series was designed for training with a partner, the principles are the same whether you are working with a robot, doing drills with a friend, or even if you are visualizing and using shadow training to help raise your heart rate. Stay healthy and stay safe. ButterflyOnline looks forward to seeing you back at the tables when its safe.
Bty Training Tips: Coach Li – Forehand Attack Exercises
The training video by Coach Li of NYITTC. It is a set of multi-ball exercises focusing on skill development of the forehand attack.
Three Exercises:
- Side to Side Movement (Forehand Attack)
- Random Play Inside Forehand Court (Forehand Attack)
- Covering the Entire Table (Forehand Attack)
The goal of multi-ball is to develop proper footwork to reach the ball, as well as developing one’s anticipation in random play.
Exercise 1: Side to Side Movement
The first drill is side to side movement which helps the player develop accurate footwork in reaching the ball while implementing the forehand attack stroke. The goal is for the right foot to be lined up with the ball for each shot.
Exercise 2: Random Play Inside the Forehand Court
The second drill focuses on developing anticipation, which requires the player to judge the ball from the time it is contacted on the other side of the table. The sooner the player can properly judge the ball, the sooner they can get in position to execute the forehand attack.
Exercise 3: Covering the Entire Table
The last drill has the player covering the entire table implementing footwork using the forehand attack. This is a much more complex drill because the player will also be developing their fitness and strength in this exercise.
These exercises can be implemented with a training partner, or with a quality robot like the new Butterfly Amicus Prime.
BTY Training Tips are produced by Brian Pace.