Ask-The-Experts: Xin-Zhou, No.-153-Butterfly-Question-and-Answer
Ask-The-Experts: Xin-Zhou, No.-153-Butterfly-Question-and-Answer
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Viscaria
Forehand: Nittaku Fast Act C-1
Backhand: Tenergy 64
Question: Hello Coach, I have been using the butterfly Viscaria blade for 8-9 months, I have heard 2-3 friends tell me what is fast or too fast for me, can you tell me what are they trying to tell me? I don’t understand what they mean when they say its fast or too fast, I love the blade because I like to play far from table. Thank you very much.
Hi Jose,
Fast is a relative term. Viscaria is definitely on the fast side. However, most of my students seem to handle it just fine. Since you seem to be comfortable with it, without seeing you play in person, I don’t see issues either.
I’m not familiar with Nittaku rubbers. I personally use Tenergy 05 on my forehand and Tenergy 64 on the backhand. That’s also my recommendation to most of my students. The FX versions (Tenergy 05-FX & Tenergy 64-FX) are softer and will give you more control. That maybe is what you need.
Zhou Xin
National Coach of USA
Coach at ICC Table Tennis in Milpitas, California