Ask The Experts: Truong Tu, No: 100
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Mazunov
Forehand Rubber: Tibhar Sinus
Backhand Rubber: Tibhar Aurus
Question: Hello,
I’m using Butterfly Mazunov blade right now, I wanted to know if I want to change it to something that weighs less, but with approximately the same characteristics, what is your suggestion? I used Butterfly Viscaria before, which was too soft, and Butterfly Primo Vitesse, which I got some vibration feel I didn’t like, I also used Primorac Carbon which was perfect but I didn’t have much control on it when blocking, so I need your suggestion. Thank you.
Answer: Hi Iman,
Thank you for your question.
The Timo Boll ZLF would be my recommendation. Primorac Carbon is pure carbon which is too hard so you don’t have much feeling on it. Timo Boll ZLF with ZL Fiber is harder than Arylate/Carbon of Viscaria, more flexible which give you more feeling, and lighter in weight.
Best of luck!