Ask The Experts: Stefan Feth, No. 81
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Viscaria, Schlager Carbon, Stiga (5 ply-similar to Korbel)
Forehand Rubber: Tenergy 05
Backhand Rubber: Tenergy 05
Question: Stefan,
What blade will the NEW Bryce HighSpeed fit the best out of the 3 suggested blade types below?
1. Hard Carbon Tamca 5000 (for example Schlager Carbon)
2. ALC (Viscaria)
3. 5 Ply All Wood (something like regular Korbel)
My question is in regards to generating power and spin, playing offensive style in mid distance.
Would you be able to compare, based on your expertise and new BRYCE specs how will this rubber behave on each of the mentioned blades.
Answer: Hi Marcin,
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
So far I have not had a chance to test the new Bryce High Speed rubber myself, but I have received positive feedback from some world class players on it.
After looking at the specs of the rubber, I suggest the new 5 ply all wood Hadraw VR blade for your playing style. The Hadraw VR can produce a good amount of speed and spin from mid distance. Please also keep in mind that the new Bryce High Speed rubber is the fastest out of the BTY collection. Therefore the all wood Hadraw VR blade is a good match to start with.
I have personally tested this new 5 ply all wood Hadraw VR blade – please take a look in the below video for my feedback.
Per your blade suggestions below – my comments are in red.
1. Hard Carbon Tamca 5000 (for example Schlager Carbon) This blade has a lower ball trajectory and due to the faster speed, you will most likely need more training hours to be able to control and use the blade well.
2. ALC (Viscaria) This blade is ideal for mid distance play and faster than a 5 ply all wood blade like the Hadraw VR.
3. 5 Ply All Wood (something like regular Korbel) This should be a good match to the fastest rubber out of the Butterfly rubber family.
I hope you enjoy your new equipment!
Stefan Feth
US National Team & Olympic Coach
Coach @ WCTTA