Ask The Experts: Stefan Feth, No: 71
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Tibhar SGS Carbon
Forehand Rubber: Tibhar Genius w/Optimum Sound
Backhand Rubber: Tibhar Genius w/Optimum Sound
Question: Coach,
Currently I use Tibhar Genius w/Optimum Sound rubber, and I’ve been using it for a couple of years now. I’ve noticed since i began using it that the rubber seems to be brittle and starts to break away from the sponge quite easily without any hitting on the table, etc. At $50 per sheet, this gets rather expensive over the course of a year (replacing every 3-4 months). Do you recommend any Butterfly rubbers that are very durable. Even if it’s the more expensive Tenergy rubbers, it’ll be worth it if i don’t have to replace it as often. P.S. Looking for something with comparable (or higher spin rating) and speed. Thanks for your input…!!!
Answer: Hi Ron,
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
I recommend for you to try the Tenergy 05 FX rubber. Since you are used to a softer feel already I suggest the FX version of the Tenergy 05.
The FX version has a softer sponge but the top sheet is able to generate more spin than your previous rubber. I have tried the Tenergy 05 FX myself and have not seen any damage the way you have experienced unless you hit the table by accident.
I hope you enjoy your new equipment!
Stefan Feth
US National Team & Olympic Coach
Coach @ WCTTA