Ask The Experts: Stefan Feth, No. 119
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Matsudaira Kenta ALC
Forehand Rubber: Tenergy 80 FX
Backhand Rubber: Tenergy 64 FX
Question: I have only played ping pong for about two years, for about 3 hours per week. I use a lot of spin on the forehand and quick pushes on the backhand. I am of a small build with limited amount of muscles and force. Are the rubbers I am using appropriate?
I switched from Viscaria, Tenergy 05 on the forehand, Tenergy 64 on the backhand, last month and I love the new blade particularly the smaller handle. I still have problem controlling the length of my serves and I am unable to have enough spin on my forehand.
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
I recommend for you to change to Tenergy 05 for both forehand and backhand. The Tenergy 05 can provide you with the maximum spin for your forehand as well as more speed for your backhand pushes.
Overall the Tenergy 05 is easier on your body, as it provides you with the most support in terms of power, spin and speed. However, if you find this hard to control with your new blade, you can consider switching to Tenergy 64 on both sides. Tenergy 64 can also provide you with great quality on your shots, with a little more control than the 05.
These rubbers with the Kenta Matsudaira ALC (thinner handle) which in my opinion is one of the best blades that Butterfly recently released – the paddle should be a great combination together.
Stefan Feth
US National Team & Olympic Coach
Coach @ WCTTA