Ask The Experts: Nan Li, No. 62
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Timo Boll ZLF
Forehand Rubber: Omega IV Pro
Backhand Rubber: Sonex
Question: I’m 36 yrs. old and was a strong looper and smasher in young age. Now for playing in veterans at this age with low fitness and reflexes, should I go for Timo Boll ZLC, which is faster, or ZLF, which has more control?
Answer: Hi Krupal,
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
I recommend for you to try the Timo Boll ZLF blade. This blade provides great balance between offense and defense play while having great control. Compared to the Timo Boll ZLC it is more forgiving and will be a fun blade to play with.
Hope you find this helpful and enjoy your new equipment!
Nan Li
Coach @ WCTTA