Ask The Experts: Nan Li, No. 251
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Hi I am a retired person, now playing recreational table tennis. I used to play at school and college level when I was young and played intermittently throughout my life. I can be classified as an intermediate level player. I am an aggressive player who likes to play top spins and smashes. My backhand is only average. I would like suggestions for pre made bats as well as custom blade and rubbers. Appreciate your help in offering me moderately prices options. ( In the past I have used custom rackets with Sriver FX and Yasaka Mark V rubber on a Stiga blade.)

This Ask the Experts question was answered by Coach Nan Li. She is one of the coaches at the World Champions Table Tennis Academy in Santa Clara, CA. Coach Li’s response is as follows:
Hi Sathish,
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
For your style of play and intermediate level I recommend for you to try the Butterfly Maze Magic blade, with the Rozena rubbers on both forehand and backhand as a custom made blade and rubbers.
Looking at a pre-assembled pro line rackets I recommend the Butterfly Boll control blade, with the Sapphira rubbers. This is a more inexpensive alternative to the above custom blade/rubber combination.
Hope you find this helpful and enjoy your new equipment.
Nan Li
Coach @ WCTTA