Ask The Experts: Junya Chen No. 312
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and AnswerQuestion:
Hi there! I’m a semi-seasoned table tennis player who’s been playing TT for a little over a decade now. Despite this lengthy time I’ve invested into the sport, my technique’s improvement has slowed drastically over the years.
I’m a penholder who only plays with one side of the racket (i.e. No RPB), though I’ve also tried and found out to not be too big of a fan of the J-pen. I’ve played with C-pens growing up and was never coached. I simply tried mimicking whoever I was playing with, at least in the first few years. Now, I play with a rather unconventional technique where I’m most often close to the table, push and block with my backhand 90% of the time (and chop with my forehand on rare occasions), and do my best to hit/place balls in ways to force my opponents to make errors. I’ve also got a rather unreliable signature move where (it’s hard to describe but) I essentially raise my racket-holding hand when the ball comes to the right hand side (I’m right-handed) and flick the racket upwards in an instant starting with the head of the blade pointing almost straight at the table, hence achieving an effect similar to a smash that is often speedy and takes my opponents by surprise.
I’ve purchased quite a bit of products from Butterfly in the past, but now I’m looking into some professional advice in terms of which kind of blade and rubber would fit my style. I hardly ever loop, I play close to the table, and I’d like to score points by either attacking my opponents in sudden “ambushes” (albeit I don’t really attack often) or forcing them to make errors (or simply, as it most often happens, blocking/deflecting their attacks right back at them). I’ve looked into the Tenergy series and found the not-so-popular 25 rubber to have some of the attributes I’m looking for, though I’m honestly unsure and am open to playing with any rubber and any blade, so long as the latter isn’t a shakehand or a J-pen.
I’d say I’ve been a relatively casual player, but it also wouldn’t hurt to bump my skills up a notch or two, especially since my club now contains quite a handful of very serious and powerful players.
Thank you for your time!
This Ask the Experts question was answered by Junya Chen. Coach Chen is the head coach at the Canadian Elite Table Tennis Training Centre in Mississauga. Coach Chen’s response is as follows:
Hi Kaijia,
Thank you for your question and your continuous support in Butterfly products.
Looking at the description of your style of play, you prefer playing close to table and exchanging quick rallies. I would definitely suggest you to switch to quicker and bouncier set up of blade and rubbers.
First for blades, you could look into transitioning to carbon blades such as Hadraw VR CS and Primorac Carbon CS to increase the power and speed of your play.
For rubbers, I would suggest Roundell Hard to make your shots more sudden and also more stable. Tenergy 25 that you have mentioned will be ideal as well since it is designed for close to table attacks.
You would feel quite a difference in speed with the equipment mentioned above so don’t worry if you require more time to adjust.
Best wishes,
Junya Chen
Canadian Elite Table Tennis Training Centre head coach
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The Petr Korbel blade will support Ilius B’s performance due to its moderate bounce. This blade will make drop shots easier with its low trajectory as well as providing high stability when blocking.
The combination with Innerforce Layer ALC.S, which has less bounce, would be also a good choice that brings out the rubber’s main performance qualities.
For players who value chops with wide range of spin
Innershield Layer ZLF is a blade for a chopper that requires less bounce and is recommended for the chopper who seeks a more defensive game.
The racket makes chops and pushes with a wide range of spin easier and will help you to play a safer game leading to your opponents to make more errors.
This is a combination with a 7-plywood blade with a relatively high reaction. The racket makes it possible to create shots with speed, such as punches that bounce deeper in the opponent’s court with less trajectory.
It is a recommendation for the players who aim to achieve a hybrid game of both attack and defense close to the table using various spins and changes of rhythm.
For all-round choppers that play at variable distances
Diode V is a blade for choppers and has high reaction properties. This is recommended for choppers that seek attacking play as well.
It is relatively easy to control the opponent’s ball at mid-distance, and it enables players to create heavy chops with a low trajectory when at a long distance away from the table. The racket performs well during various defensive techniques and during defensive play at a variable distance.
This is a combination with a 7-plywood blade with a relatively high reaction. The racket makes it possible to create shots with speed, such as punches that bounce deeper in the opponent’s court with less trajectory.
It is a recommendation for the players who aim to achieve a hybrid game of both attack and defense close to the table using various spins and changes of rhythm.
Dignics 05 will provide a better sense of holding the ball and adding power if combined with Harimoto Tomokazu Innerforce ALC and Innerforce Layer ALC. The combination will enhance the accuracy of topspin against backspin and counter topspin play close to the table.
Innerforce Layer ZLC
Dignics 05
Powerful play close to the table and from mid-distance
The combination of Innerforce Layer ZLC and Apolonia ZLC is recommended for the player who seeks powerful play close to the table or at a mid-distance. It enables the player to return the opponent’s service using the banana-flick before executing powerful topspin strokes. Both blades possess the sense of holding the ball and releasing the power in a balanced manner.
Lin Gaoyuan ALC
Dignics 05
High-level all-round play
This is a combination with a comparably soft and easy-to-handle blade using Arylate-Carbon, like Lin Gaoyuan ALC, Timo Boll ALC or Viscaria. The blend is suited to players who aspire to use aggressive all-round play from all parts of the playing area.
Hadraw VR
Dignics 05
Powerful play with a feeling of all-wood
Combing Hadraw VR with Dignics 05 realizes both powerful offensive play and rich rotation of the ball generated from all-wood feeling.
Cypress G-MAX
Dignics 05
Powerful play generated by Japanese penhold
Combined with Dignics 05 and Cypress G-MAX, generates more power, the blend is recommended for Japanese penhold players who seek powerful forehand topspin. Dignics 80 for more balance and Dignics 64 for more speed are also recommended.
Zhang Jike Super ZLC
Dignics 80
Play in higher level without weak point
Combing a rubber well-balanced between speed and rotation, Dignics 80, and Super ZL Carbon-equipped racket Zhang Jike Super ZLC guides your play to not only a powerful but also a stable higher level.
Mizutani Jun ZLC
Dignics 80
Smart play at variable distance
Jun Mizutani chooses the combination of Dignics 80 and the desirable bounce blade Mizutani Jun ZLC. As Dignics 80 has an excellent balance between speed and spin, you can easily decide whether to block or counter depending on the speed of the opponent’s ball. This is the combination enabling an offensive counter topspin away from the table, recommended for the player who plays smart at variable distance.
Timo Boll ZLF
Dignics 80
Stable and powerful counter topspin play
The combination of Dignics 80 and Timo Boll ZLF has both good bounce and control and offers reliability thanks to the holding the ball well. This is recommended for an aggressive well-balanced playing style focused on stability.
Timo Boll CAF
Dignics 80
Develop the power
A wide range of players can benefit from Dignics series although its main intended use is for players at intermediate to a high level. The rubber will widen your options by making a powerful stroke possible even though the player is not confident in his/her power play if the stroke movement is short and slow. We recommend the combination with easy-to-use blade Timo Boll CAF to develop your play.
Zhang Jike ZLC
Dignics 64
Develop the power
Play in higher level without weak point
Combing a rubber well-balanced between speed and rotation, Dignics 80, and Super ZL Carbon-equipped racket Zhang Jike Super ZLC guides your play to not only a powerful but also a stable higher level.
Innerforce Layer ALC
Dignics 64
All-round play in a wider area
The combination is recommended for blocking and counter topspin close to the table. The racket also offers a good experience of topspin against topspin play in the mid/mid-long distance. Innerforce Layer ALC.S which has less bounce is also recommended if you seek more stability.
Dignics 64
Stable topspin-against-topspin play
Dignics 64 which has good spin offers power and stability by combing with all-wood blade SK7 Classic.