Ask The Experts: Jörg Bitzigeio, No. 326 Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Modern defensive player at intermediate level (1519 USA rating) looking for another combination of blade and rubbers in play. What would you suggest for a player who has played with long pips for over a year. I use long pips for balls hit to my backhand. With pips I block or chop topspin and sideswipe and topspin under spin balls hit to the backhand. On the Forehand I use smooth rubber to slice, counter drive and for control loops. I twiddle on the back hand to counter drive with the smooth rubber during a rally when given the opportunity. My goal is to be a 1700-1800 rated player. Do you have any suggestion related to equipment and training?

This Ask the Experts question was answered by Jörg Bitzigeio. Coach Bitzigeio’s response is as follows:
Hello Duane,
Thanks for that interesting question and for being interested in Butterfly products!
For a modern defensive player I would always recommend the Diode V blade which is used by the top defensive players like Joo See Hyuk from Korea.
It’s a 5 wood ply-blade designed for heavy backspin play and powerful attacks. This blade fits really good with the Feint Long II which are used by choppers Gionis from Greece who is able to produce heavy down spin against opponent’s loops, but also can be used for occasional blocking.
On the forehand you can choose between the Tenergy 05 or Tenergy 64, depending on if you prefer harder or softer rubbers, but both can be used for slicing, counter driving and looping with control.
I am convinced that with these products you will make great choices and you will have a lot of fun! Enjoy playing the Butterfly equipment and work hard!