Ask The Experts: Jeffrey Zeng, No. 184
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Timo boll ALC
Forehand: Tenergy 05
Backhand: Tenergy 05
I am tempted to try Tenergy 05 Hard. Does it have high throw also like normal Tenergy? What different characteristics does it have from normal Tenergy? Moreover, I want to put it on my Timo Boll ALC blade on the forehand side. Will it be too hard for that blade or will it be okay? Please suggest and advice.
This Ask the Experts question was answered by Jeffrey Zeng. He is a coach at the Maryland Table Tennis Center in Gaithersburg, MD. Coach Zeng’s response is as follows:
Hi Gunraj,
I think Tenergy 05 Hard will perform better on the Timo Boll ALC because the blade is not too hard. Tenergy 05 Hard should be a better combination as it lets your forehand use more spin and power.
Good luck!
Jeffrey Zeng
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