Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 82
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Garaydia Revolver-R
Forehand Rubber: Tenergy 80
Backhand Rubber: Tenergy 05
Question: Hi Mr. Ebuen,
I am 66 years old and an average player (about 1550-1600 points). I am pretty fast with steps and should be considered as an aggressive player. Recently I bought a Japanese Penholder (Garaydia Revolver-R :designed for playing both side). Any suggestion? Could you list the detail specs for the blade. Thanks.
Answer: Hi Mr Chang,
Thank you for playing with Butterfly. Garaydia Revolver- R is an excellent choice. My suggestion for your game are to:
- Practice receiving with reverse penhold backhand – this will for sure help your receiving and starting the rally aggressive.
- Also practice reverse penhold backhand rally. I know you mentioned that your quick with steps but having backhand will make your game balance.
I hope this suggestions help and good luck with your table tennis.
Jon Ebuen
New York Table Tennis Academy
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