Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 56
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Timo Boll ALC
Forehand: Tenergy 05
Backhand: Tenergy 05
Question: Hi. I am interested to try the new Hadraw series but there are several versions to choose from. Can you briefly discuss each type and suggest which of them will play similarly to my current set up? My playing style is more of topspin play with occasional attack. I still plan to put Tenergy 05 on both sides but if you have other suggestions for the Hadraw blades,then I will be glad to know. Thank you.
Answer: Hi Richard,
Thank you for using Butterfly and inquiry about our new products.
Below our the different type Hadraw blades.
High Class topspin blade – Hadraw SK, an all-wood blade by Butterfly delivers the popular feeling of a natural wood blade – suiting it perfectly for spin-oriented, fast topspin play and attacks.
High Class Offensive blade with Wenge. Using an intricate and exclusive Wenge veneer only underscores the high-class ambition of the new Hadraw VR blade. Its medium-hard touch creates with a controlled feeling in all situations of the game.
Classic Offensive – Fans of classic offensive blades feel right at home with the new Hadraw VK blade and its harder outer veneers. The 5-ply blade offers power and security in versatile topspin play as well as passive block and counter shots.
The new Hadraw Shield is a defensive blade of the next generation. Its thin 5-ply structure makes for less weight and adds control to any defensive situation.
Since you’re using Timo Boll ALC and based on your description of play I would suggest to try out Hadraw SK, it has similar feel for Timo Boll ALC.
I hope this help and good luck with your game.
Thank you.
Jon Ebuen
New York Table Tennis Academy