Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 50
Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Balsa Carbo X5
Forehand: Thibar Evolution MX-P 2.1
Backhand: Thibar Evolution MX-P 2.1
Question: Buen dia, necesito saber que madera (Blade) usar para que mi golpe sea mas contundente ya que no es muy fuerte ni en derecha ni reves, he vuelto a jugar luego de 20 años aproximadamente y noto que los golpes de compañeros son mas certeros que el mio y ademas mas rapido.
Les escribo desde Lima, Perú y les agradezco de antemano con la ayuda.
Question Translated: Good day, I need to know what wood (Blade) to use so my stroke is more forceful as it is not very strong or right or backwards. I returned to play after approximately 20 years and noticed that the blows of peers are more accurate and faster than mine.
I am writing from Lima, Peru and thank you in advance to help.
Carlos Campos Kogan
Answer: Hi Carlos,
Thank you for your question. My suggestion is start considering changing your equipment to a much faster effect. I suggest start changing first your rubbers to Tenergy 05 on both side. This rubber is specially made to a faster effect on the balls. Since you stop playing for 20 years many has changed. The ball size and and playing style of players.
The ball is smaller back then thus make the ball travel faster. The playing style before has bigger swing, compare to now which is more compact and shorter which in effect makes the ball travel faster.
I hope this help you get back faster in your game. Goodluck!
Jon Ebuen
New York Table Tennis Academy