Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 108
Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 108
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Primorac OFF-
Forehand: Mark V
Backhand: Sriver
Question: Hi Coach,
I always had the doubt of what the contact point of a perfect sidespin serve and backspin serve is. Is it at the left corner of the rubber (right handed forehand)? Please help me on this. Thank you.
Answer: Hi Abishek,
Thank you for your question.
Yes, you’re correct that it’s in the left corner of right handed forehand.
In mastering side spin and backspin serves you or any serve for the matter, you’ll need to spend hours and hours of serve practice to get comfortable with the feeling and precision of ball contacting to your rubber.
My advice when practicing serve, always experiment and try to discover new ones that give comfortable feel, don’t ever limit yourself.
I hope this helps and good luck with your table tennis.
Jon Ebuen
New York Table Tennis Academy
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