Ask The Experts: David Zhuang, No. 300 Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Hello sir, Could you recommend me a good replacement for my favourite backhand rubber Sriver? What i really like about Sriver is the extraordinary control it offers in all aspects of the game, especially the ease of placement, short game when needed and the low throw. The one thing i am missing now on my current level is that extra speed or punch. So basically i am looking for a rubber like sriver but with some punch added. It would be great if butterfly decided one day to create an identical sriver rubber topsheet but with a spring sponge. That would be a great allround rubber. Hopefully you can recommend such rubber. Thank you in advance, Roeland Glenn

This ask the Experts question was answered by David Zhuang. He is the head coach at Princeton Pong in New Jersey. Coach Zhuang’s response is below: