Ask The Experts: David Zhuang, No. 239
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Hello sir,
First i would like to say that my favourite playing style is that of Kenta Matsudaira. I play close to mid from table and i like to switch from block to attack and placement is also important for me.
I have a couple of blades in my mind and i am wondering what rubbers would suit them best.
1)Kenta Matsudaira ALC blade
2)Innerforce layer ALC blade
3)Innerforce layer ZLF
4) Innerforce layer ZLC
Can you provide me some information what rubber is best on each of these blades?
Also, i am interested in the new dignics rubber. Is the Dignics rubber better suited for a hard or a soft blade? A wood or ALC blade? And can it also be used for placement, blocking and attacking?
Thank you very much for the info.
Best regards,
Roeland Glenn

This ask the Experts question was answered by David Zhuang. He is the head coach at Princeton Pong in New Jersey. Coach Zhuang’s response is below:
Hi Glenn,
For advanced players, I would recommend the Innerforce Layer ZLC, otherwise Innerforce Layer ZLF.
For rubber, I recommend Dignics 05on the forehand and Tenergy 80 on the backhand. This combination will be suited for the block and attack with placement style.
Dignics 05 is an excellent all-around rubber that gives you great spin and control.