Ask The Experts: Truong Tu, No: 95
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Question: Hi,
I played table tennis as a youngster but hadn’t played for 15 years until i started playing again at Christmas 2015. So 3 months down the line and i have agreed to join the local summer league to gain some experience.
I am currently using a bat bought from sports direct just to get me by.
So what i am looking for is what blade and rubbers do you recommend, I feel I can play both defensively and offensively depending on the opponent I am playing against.
My forehand is more attacking and I tend to try and topspin at a half decent pace, where as my backhand is probably more defensive with a consistent chop. (I can defend on my forehand and also attack backhanded if the opportunity arises.
Obviously only playing for 3 months-ish I am still a learning a lot but feel i can improve with a better bat.
Just for info i recently borrowed a bat with Joola Rythm Tech and Energy Green Power rubbers on it and that was okay.
I look forward to your reply
Kind regards
Answer: Hi Liam,
Your style of play should be a perfect fit for our new Gionis Carbon Offensive blade with Tackiness Chop II or Tackifire C Soft on backhand and Sriver G3 on forehand. If you prefer more robust speed and spin then go with Spin Art on the backhand and Tenergy 05 on the forehand.
Best of luck!
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