Ask The Experts: Truong Tu, No. 211 Butterfly Question and Answer
Ask The Experts: Truong Tu, No. 211
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Primorac Carbon
Question: Hello coach, kindly compare Butterfly Timo Boll ALC with Primorac Carbon.
Answer: Hi Debajyoti,
The Primorac Carbon has 3 Wood + 2 pure carbon wood, while Timo Boll ALC has 5 Wood + 2 Arylate Carbon (soft carbon).
The ALC will give much more feeling and spin without losing too much of the power (since Timo Boll ALC has 7 plies). The thickness of the blade is quite different as well: Primorac Carbon has 6.9 and Timo Boll ALC has 5.7.
Overall, the Timo Boll ALC is a newer technology.
Best Wishes,
Coach Tu