Ask The Experts: Truong Tu, No. 128
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Super ZLC
Question: Hello. I write from Italy. I wanted to ask a question. I want to buy a new high-quality blade. I am torn between the two super ZLC (I saw that they are the best ever that you possess). Which of the two blades is the best in construction, strength, and quality? I wonder why they cost a lot and I want something that is perfect. Thanks a lot See you soon
Both of the Super is made with Super ZL-Carbon which give the maximum elasticity (more power yet control). Moreover, since the ZL carbon is so consistent with it performance, the sweet spot of these blade is extremely larger than the other blade.
The different between Super ZLC Zhang Jike and Super ZLC Mizutani is Mizutani is faster and suit better for mid/far distance style while Zhang Jike is more control and spin that suit better for close/mid to the table style
Best of luck!