Ask The Experts: Stefan Feth, No: 79
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Donic Appelgren Allplay senso v1
Forehand Rubber: Donic Acuda S2 2.2mm
Backhand Rubber: Donic Bluefire M3 2.2mm
Question: Hello,
I played a long time with Butterfly and I am now experiencing materials Donic, then wanted to know what would be the most appropriate combination considering the soft wood, the thickness of the rubber and the utilization of the plastic ball. What would be the suggestion of material in this case?
Answer: Hi Cassio,
Thanks for your question and interest in Butterfly equipment.
Since you are used to a softer feel already, I suggest to have the Tenergy 64 rubber on your forehand and Tenergy 05 FX for your backhand, with the Timo Boll ALC blade. The maximum thickness for these rubbers are 2.1 mm.
Overall this is a great combination that will help you produce a good balance of spin & speed while still providing great control. It is also easy to adjust to the new plastic ball.
I hope you enjoy your new equipment!
Stefan Feth
US National Team & Olympic Coach
Coach @ WCTTA