Ask The Experts: Stefan Feth, No. 144
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Timo Boll Spirit ST
Forehand Rubber: Tibhar Evolution MX-P
Backhand Rubber: Tibhar Evolution MX-P
Question: Hello Mr. Feth,
I play with TBS blade, on both sides with MX-P rubbers. The setup is good to play offensive game. As I play with lot of older men, who often play defensive game over the table, and varying offense and defense, slowing down the rally, I want to change to a little bit slower setup with more confidence over the table play, but sometimes forcing a rally type play.
I see the new Hadraw SK blade. Would you suggest it as alternative? What is your opinion about this blade, as you have tried out already? What rubber would you recommend?
Thank you in advance for your support.
Thanks for your question and for your interest in Butterfly equipment.
I recommend for you to try the Hadraw SK blade with Tenergy 64 on forehand and backhand. The 7 ply all wood Hadraw SK blade is easy to control and is the ideal blade for the close to mid distance playing style. It also fits well with the medium soft feel of the Tenergy 64 rubbers.
Compared to the Timo Boll Spirit, the Hadraw blade has a softer feel which provides a great balance between offensive and defensive play. It should be just what you are looking for.
The Tenergy 64 rubbers are easy to generate spin with, while providing good control and this should help you transition into the Tenergy series.
Hope you enjoy your new paddle!
Stefan Feth
US National Team & Olympic Coach
Coach @ WCTTA