Ask The Experts: Judy Hugh, No. 90
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Need to decide
Forehand: Tenergy 64
Backhand: Tenergy 05
Question: Hi,
I need to decide on a blade. I prefer topspin from close to table. I would like to use Tenergy 64 for FH and Tenergy 05 for backhand (not good at backhand topspin and mostly rely on chops and blocking). Which blade would you suggest.
Thank you,
Answer: Hi Gautam,
Looking at what you use for your backhand, if you are not that good at attacking and tend to block and chop with it, you are actually better off using the Tenergy 64 on the BH and Tenergy 05 on the FH. 05 has a harder sponge, and is faster than the 05, making it better for attacking. Whereas most people use 64 on the BH since it has a softer sponge, as well as more control
In terms of your blade, if you like the carbon-fiber blades, they are pretty fast and lightweight. The Viscaria is one of the most demanded blades amongst the top players. It is extremely fast though. If you want a bit of a slower carbon blade, then I might suggest the Jun Mizutani or Primorac Carbon, which both have a softer feel.
If you are looking for something slower and are afraid that carbon might be too difficult to control, then I’d suggest my personal blade, the Petr Korbel. It is a little top heavy after you put Tenergy on both sides, but it gives good power, even though it’s an all-wood blade.
Good luck!
Judy Hugh
Lily Yip Table Tennis Center