Ask The Experts: Dan Seemiller, No. 212 A Butterfly Question & Answer
Ask The Experts: Dan Seemiller, No. 212 A Butterfly Question & Answer
Blade: Primorac AND Timo Boll OFF –
Forehand Rubber: Primorac (Sriver FX) Timo (Tenergy 25x)
Backhand Rubber: Primorac (Sriver FX) Timo (Tenergy 25x)
Question: I have these two paddles. I am wondering, all things being equal, what has a bigger effect on speed: the rubber speed or the speed of the paddle?
I am trying to figure out the best set up to run given the 2 blades and 4 rubbers I have. the timo boll off- combined with the tenergy is fast. Against better players I struggle with control. My Primorac is slower but I have more control. I was wondering which would be a better mix of speed AND control: the Primorac with the Tenergy or the Timo Boll off- with the Sriver.
Answer: Hi Jon,
I would recommend the Primorac with the Tenergy 25-FX.
Tenergy 25-FX is fast and the Primorac blade has excellent control. This would seem to be a perfect combination. Of course you need to test them out as personal feel and playing experience are the best answer.
Good luck and enjoy!
Dan Seemiller
Head Coach at South Bend Table Tennis Center, South Bend, IN