Only 50 Days To Go to 2016 USA Masters Games!
Today marks a historic milestone: only 50 days to go to the start of the USA Masters Games! The big event is drawing closer and the excitement and anticipation are building. Perhaps, most important for all of you who have been intending to, or considering, participating in the Games, there is only a little over one month to the June 30 deadline for registering for the Games. So don’t put it off a second longer. Go ahead and get yourself registered, or gather your teammates and get your team in the Games.
The Games Fee has been lowered to $60 and we are dedicated to an entry process that is as easy and as affordable as possible. So there are no more reasons for you to hesitate. Get in the Games today!
To register for the 2016 USA Masters Games, click here.
Geographic Reach of the USA Masters Games Expanding
The 2016 USA Masters Games is a multi-sport competition for athletes ages 21 and over not only from across the United States, but the Games are also open to international athletes as well. If international competitors are in Games sports that are sanctioned by one of our US national sport governing bodies, where participants in the sport should be members of that governing body, those athletes should come to the Games with their member cards or identification from the comparable sport governing body in their country.
Currently within the U.S., we have Games participants registered from 39 states, ranging from Alabama to Wisconsin alphabetically and from Alaska to Florida geographically. We are also excited to have athletes registered from six continents, thus far representing the following countries: Australia, Canada, Egypt, Great Britain, India, Japan, Palestine, Russia, Turkey, Uruguay, and Venezuela. No doubt the varied locations and backgrounds of our Games athletes will add tremendously to the festive nature of the Games, so plan on making some new friends and doing some learning and sharing while taking part in the big event in July!
Volunteering for the Games
Serving as a USA Masters Games volunteer is one of the most important roles in helping ensure the overall success of the Games. Volunteers are literally the face of the Games as they are often the first Games representatives that an athlete encounters when arriving at the event. Greensboro and the Triad region are known for their southern hospitality, so we know that local volunteers will be much appreciated by Games competitors. However, as you can imagine, it takes a very large volunteer contingent to adequately support an event with 24 sports and thousands of participants. So we encourage everyone who can spend some hours serving as a Games volunteer, please sign up as soon as possible to be a part of the 2016 USA Masters Games Volunteer Team. To get started, click here.