(by: South Bend TT Club)
Saturday, Mar 18 – Sunday, Mar 19, 2023
Venue: Indiana University at South Bend * Student Activity Center
Rules and Regulations
- Tournament management may modify, combine, or cancel events, limit total entrants, or total entries by event. Fees for cancelled events will be refunded.
- USATT dress code & all other USATT rules will be enforced
- All events will be on EST (Eastern Standard Time) and be 3 out of 5 game matches.
- Hard-bat Open will be 2 out of 3 games to 21.
- USATT accepted Hard-bat rules and regulations will be followed for Event #4.
- Any event starting after 4 PM on Saturday MAY carryover final rounds to Sunday.
- DO NOT ENTER 2 events with same starting time or more than 6 total events
- Unrated players may enter any event; however, they will NOT advance from any rated restricted round robin.
- All events with the exception of Event #4 are open to USATT members or those who join. Event #4 is open to any and all players ratings will be used as available for seeding.
- Age cutoff for 40 & over / 50 & over is your age as of 12/31/2023. Age cutoff for any junior events is 3/18/2023.
- Ratings as of 1/31/2023 will be used for eligibility. Ratings for seeding will be from 3/15/2023.
- Withdrawals up through 3/15/2023 will be eligible for full refunds.
- Any image, photographic or otherwise, of tournament play or with in the official venue is the joint property of USA Table Tennis (USATT)and SBTTC. Entrants agree to allow their voice, image, likeness, and/or any other representation to be broadcast, reproduced, or publicized by way of any medium as determined by USATT and/or SBTTC.
- Any questions regarding the tournament, eligibility, or entry should be directed to (574) 261-4545 between 9:00 AM and6:00 PM Eastern Time.
- Some events will fill quickly, so ENTER EARLY!
- Mail Entry Deadline: Postmark by Friday, 3/10/ 23.
- Event #29 is a non-sanctioned event. (18U age limit) No USATT membership required.
- Please help the club by using the tournament hotel! Quality Inn, and be sure to mention the St. Joe Valley to get the best rate.
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