Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 135
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Butterfly Schlager Aramid Carbon OFF
Forehand: Sriver
Backhand: Sriver FX
Question: Dear Sir / Madam,
Recently I have got myself a Butterfly Schlager Aramid Carbon OFF blade. I am intermediate level player. My forehand is stronger and I like playing offensive with it. My backhand is a bit weak and slow and I use it mainly for defensive play, but I am working on it to improvise.
Please suggest me the best rubber that I can use.
I want to focus mainly on control and spin.
Many of my friends are suggesting Sriver. Please suggest which rubber n what thickness should i be using in backhand and forehand.
Answer: Hi Amit,
Thank you for choosing Butterfly as your table tennis equipment.
You have a great set-up currently but if you want look for more control, I would recommend the following.
Blade – Timo Boll ALC
FH – Tenergy 05
BH – Tenergy 64
Timo Boll ALC has excellent control that gives you a better feel of the ball, Tenergy 05 on your forehand (FH) will continue to give you good spin with added speed and Tenergy 64 on your backhand (BH) will give you very good control at the same time good amount of spin on the ball when you needed.
Thank you and good luck with your game.
Jon Ebuen
New York Table Tennis Academy
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