(by Steve Hopkins)
Jonathan Qin Table Tennis Academy has reopened at their location in Agoura Hills, California. Agoura Hills is in the Northwest of Los Angeles county, North of Malibu.
The club did not let rest during their Covid-19 break. They pulled together with fund raising drives. Their first effort raised $1,790 to purchase PPE and the money was donated through USATT. The next efforts generated $3,360 for the purchase of masks which were donated to Northridge Hospital Medical Center and the Tree of Life Fertility Center.
The club is now reopened and many of the students have returned to training and lessons. At the end of June, they ran a mini-competition. They are openly encouraging everyone to get back to the tables.
Club Website: www.jonathantta.com
Contact: 949-331-2587
Club Location: 28708 Roadside Drive, Agoura Hills CA