Ask The Experts No. 186: Cory Eider
Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer
Blade: Butterfly Innerforce Layer ALC
Forehand: Tenergy 05
Backhand: Tenergy 05
I am 58 yrs old and have been playing for about a year and a half (after a lifetime of tennis). I have progressed fairly quickly to about a 1400 level. I am hoping to continue to improve quickly. Currently use Primorac Wood Blade and Yasaka Raksa 7 Soft rubber on both sides. I would like to get a new blade and rubber, and would like to use all Butterfly. I have hit a few times with some friend’s that use Tenergy 05, and that seems great…and also from what I read really seems to be the industry standard…and something that almost everyone will eventually use. I have been looking at blades as well and would like to try one with Carbon. I first thought of the Timo Boll ALC but think that may be too fast for me at this stage? Although, I would rather adapt and learn than buy a new/faster blade every year. My research seems to be leading me to the Innerforce ALC or Innerforce ALC.S blades. Again, i would like to use Tenergy 05 on both sides. Can you please let me know if I am in the right general place for selection of blades and rubber? Also, could you please describe how the Innerforce Layer ALC plays when compared to how the Innerforce Layer ALC.S plays? Also maybe how both of them play in comparison to my current Butterfly Primorac Wood blade. I know the Innerforce will be “faster” and perhaps “able to generate more spin” but to what degree will the difference be between all three blades? My game is improving…but I seem to like playing with a lot of topspin, am very consistent, but probably also need a bit more power (sometimes I think I am too consistent and not offensive enough). Again…this is all as of now (1.5 years in) but also for the future when I “hope” to be an even better player.
Thank you very much for your advice.
This Ask the Experts question was answered by Cory Eider. He is one of the coaches at the Lily Yip Table Tennis Center in New Jersey. Coach Eider’s response is as follows:
Great questions and congratulations on getting to a good level in such a short amount of time! Tenergy 05 is the best rubber on the market and it’s not even close so you are definitely on the right track there!
However blades are more tricky. I wouldn’t go with too fast of a blade since Tenergy 05 is already going to be a little faster than your current set up. Since you like to play with a lot of topspin the next question is are you a looper? The reason I ask is because of the throw angle of the different blades. The Timo Boll ALC has a lower trajectory throw angle from my experience than the Innerforce. The Timo Boll ALC is probably the most popular blade in the world for a reason. It’s not too fast and it’s not too slow it’s great for the new plastic ball. I would recommend that blade and you will never have to change your blade or rubber combinations again regardless of how good you get because the best players in the world use that combination!
Keep in mind that when you switch to a carbon blade from a wood blade it takes a little getting used to so be patient! I hope this helps and keep improving!
Coach Eider
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