(by Steve Hopkins)
ProSmash Table Tennis offers a unique approach to ping pong training for children. With a focus on fun and engagement, the centers strive to make table tennis accessible and enjoyable for kids of all ages and skill levels. Through a combination of games, drills, and friendly competition, children can develop their hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and motor skills, while also improving their confidence and social skills. The centers are staffed by experienced coaches who are passionate about working with children and helping them reach their full potential. Whether children are looking to improve their table tennis skills or simply have fun and stay active, ProSmash centers provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all.
Contact: sue@kiddiegymusa.com | prosmashtta.com | (201) 755-8847
Website: ProSmash Table Tennis Location: 350 Madison Ave., Cresskill, NJ
CLUB HOURS: Mon/Wed/Fri 3:30 PM – 5:45 PM