USATT 2018 Team Selection Procedures – Unified National Team
USA Table Tennis is adopting a new national team (NT) program for 2018 and beyond to accelerate our
improvement in international competition with an eye towards adult success. TTTeam USA will be a
unified squad, including both adult and youth players, with an emphasis on an overall team concept for
competitive excellence. TTTeam USA members will then represent the U.S. in events appropriate to
their skills, ages, and developmental progress as international competitors.
Players will qualify for TTTeam USA through two paths – performance in designated qualifying
competitions throughout the year, and by ongoing professional evaluations of their competitive
performance, training, commitment, and potential by the USATT High Performance Director and
National Team Coaches. In addition to adults, a minimum of four male and female players will qualify by
competition and selection in each of the three youth age categories – junior, cadet, and mini-cadet –
and others may also be added to the squad by the HPD and NT coaches.
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