MDTTC Newsletter for May 1, 2018
Welcome to the 72nd issue of the MDTTC News! As usual, there’s lots of news to report and new and ongoing programs, and we hope to see you at some of them. As usual a special thanks to MDTTC sponsors Butterfly and HW Global Foundation. Make sure to read my daily table tennis blog – I often write about MDTTC happenings there. And if you have a nice picture taken at MDTTC, email it to me and it might make the newsletter!
-Editor and Coach Larry Hodges; Publisher Wen Hsu.
MDTTC Summer Camps
The MDTTC Summer Camps start June 18 and continue all summer, Mon-Fri, through Aug. 31.
(The only exception is July 2-6, during the USA Nationals.) These camps are primarily for kids of all levels, but adults are welcome as well.
Maryland State Championships, June 2-3 at MDTTC
Here’s the info page. You can enter online via Omnipong or with the printed entry form.There are 21 events, with age events from Under 10 to Over 70, rating events from Under 1000 to Under 2400, Open Doubles and three rating doubles events, plus Men’s and Women’s Singles. All players are eligible for rating events. In other events, players must have lived in Maryland for at least 3 months prior to the tournament. Military personnel assigned to Maryland and full-time Maryland students are immediately eligible.
MDTTC Featured by Butterfly
Here’s the article by Coach Larry. Here’s the first paragraph: “The Maryland Table Tennis Center, founded in 1992, has been a successful full-time table tennis training center in the United States for almost 30 years. The club dominated play in the U.S. in the 1990s and much of the 2000s, winning over half of the gold medals at the Junior Nationals and Junior Olympics in many of those years, and at times having the top two men and top two women in the country, and over half of the top 20 players in the country. In 2011 the Men’s Singles Final at the Nationals was an all-MDTTC battle, with Peter Li winning over Han Xiao. MDTTC has seen a resurgence of a strong group of young players with its renewed focus on teamwork; coaches work together as a team and players train together as a team.”
For full article, please click here