(by Ian Marshall, ITTF Publications Editor)
Liebherr 2018 World Team Championships – Deadlines
Located on the west coast of Sweden, the port city of Halmstad will be the home for Liebherr 2018 World Team Championships; play commences on Sunday 29th April and concludes on Sunday 6th May.
Entries, which must be returned on-line by using the national association’s password on ITTF.com, may now be submitted; furthermore, the deadlines must be strictly observed.
An intention to enter is the first step. A preliminary entry is mandatory and must be completed by Monday 15th January.
Once the preliminary entry has been made, the next step is the final entry; each field on the form must be completed in full. The submission of final entries commences on Tuesday 16th January, immediately following the conclusion of the preliminary phase.
The closing date for final entries, which must include accommodation details, is required by Thursday 15th February; after that date only cancellations and modifications may be made using the “Modifications to Entry Form”. Such modifications may submitted prior to Thursday 15th March, the date on which travel details are required and also the date on which the on-line system will be closed.
Meanwhile for those who may require a visa, the application process commences on Monday 8th January; the visa application deadline is Saturday 10th February; the interview deadline, Sunday 25th February. In order to enter Sweden all passports must be valid for six months following departure from the country.
Entries confirmed, the draw for the Championship Division, in addition to Division One and Division Two in each of the Men’s and Women’s events, will be made in the Halmstad Arena at 2.00pm on Tuesday 27th February.
For full article, please click here